South Mesa Water Company is proud to partner with our local water wholesaler agencies, San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency and San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, to build a spreading basin in Calimesa. Wholesaler water agencies provide imported water to other water companies, which then distribute it to their customers. While South Mesa does not use imported water as a part of their water supply, maintaining relationships with these agencies and having access to imported water in times of need is important to increase our water sustainability.
This basin will be the first of its kind for our shareholders. A spreading basin is a shallow basin that is used to store water. These basins are typically located above groundwater reservoirs, where the water can be naturally filtered as it soaks through the ground and replenishes our water supply.
The spreading basin will be built in Calimesa off of Fourth Street. The basin will have a direct connection to the State Water Project, giving the region access to additional water supplies from Northern California.
As a part of a $10.2 million grant that South Mesa received from the State Water Resources Control Board, which regulates water agencies in California, over 24,000 feet of mainline pipe will be replaced and upgraded along County Line Road. These larger, 16-inch pipes will have the capacity to handle water flows into and out of the basin.
The project is estimated to be completed in early 2026.